Tuesday 13 May 2008

First two Triathlon - pt2 - The Sprint

As I was in panic setting up the bike at the transition spot, Mr Chan shouted "5 minute to start". Shit, I didnt even get my numbering yet, hung the bike and go for numbering. Just put the whole bag in the basket.

After the numbering I straight away go to the "oh so dirty lake that I have been warned about" (no infection please). I saw a few people in that lake, so I thought that it has already started.

"Masuk je lah," I told myself, try to swim around, ok lah the water is lukewarm, deep, and dark. Green, dark green. Try not to drink the water. As I swim around thinking why some still standing at the starting point, turn out that was the warming up session, not start yet. Bodoohhh, bodoh.

blablabla, it's started, and I was trying to do freestyle. First few meter can lah, but then I felt tired too soon and not to forget panic. I try to reach the small buoy, damn it sinks, cannot support my weight. I'm tired, lack of training and I'm panicking. Then I target the next PowerBar big baloon, swim there and rest for a while. Catch up my breath and slowly did a breast stroke till the end.

As I reach the land I can feel my leg, actually my whole body is wobbly, no energy. Then I remembered, I didn't eat the whole day, except for breakfast. 3 Vadel (indian spicy donut). And i feel dehydrated. DAMN. It's ok, I got power gel at my bag there. Showered my self and drink the water. Why la you give me cold water one. I slowly reach my beg and realize that my PowerGel is my other bag. DOUBLE DAMN. And I didn't even fill up my water bottle, know what, I didn't even bring my water bottle. It's also in my another bag. TRIPLE DAMN.

Time wasted thinking about all the nice things that I forgot. So I go ahead with the cycling part. No water, no energy. Cycle slowly hoping that my body will cope and start up. Cycling slowly, thank god that it started with downhill, and slowly I begin to feeling ok. Ok but weak. Drank a lot of plain water, making my self bloated with water. There's no 100 plus for sprint. Even everytime I pass Azim, I keep asking him is there any water or food. 2 loop passed.

T2. Time for run. 3 km, but my leg got no energy maa~~.How to run. My biggest mistake, at the water station, I drink too much. Now feeling want to puke edy. I'm practically walking as I am so weak. It's more like a walk run kinda thing. 3 km is like hell. Finish at 1hr 29m.

Note to self - Jangan Lupa Makan DOL!!!


zulhassan said...

dalam kelam kabut tu habis gak :D steady lah

Upiq said...

Completing the Sprint event is itself commendable already.

Not even the many obtacles can stop you from finishing it.